You're probably wondering about the daughter Isabella loves to clean-she comes by it honestly. I am a shameless clean freak. One morning I was working away in the kitchen while she had the mop I'd left out overnight to dry. And I look over to check on her and my then-7-month-old son, and say the five words I never thought I'd say as a parent, "Isabella, don't mop your brother!" He didn't mind, and she just wanted to make sure he was sparkly. So welcome to my world!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Clean Freak

Yep. I’ll admit it: I love to clean. I love to tackle something that is dirty and nasty, work my magic and see it sparkle! My friends laugh when I offer to clean their houses. It’s just how God wired me-I like clean stuff.

As I was cross-referencing Psalm 51:10 this morning (also a 2011 memory verse) it struck me that God is a clean freak as well! He loves to get into our dirty hearts and clean them up. And while I could tote around my rubber gloves and myriad cleaning solutions, there is one thing I can never clean, and that’s my own heart. Sure, I can spruce stuff up a bit, try (and fail) to be perfect, but only God Himself can create a clean heart in me. He’s the only One who is able to take away all my sin (which He’s already done) and give me a clean heart.

Sure, I junk mine up with bitterness, envy, bad attitudes, you name it. But I know that if I humble myself enough, I can let God clean it up for me, since He created me and my little ticker. I need to be as diligent about keeping my heart clean as I do my home. In fact, I think I’ll spend my daily clean time praying-for a sparkly home, but more importantly, a clean heart.

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