You're probably wondering about the daughter Isabella loves to clean-she comes by it honestly. I am a shameless clean freak. One morning I was working away in the kitchen while she had the mop I'd left out overnight to dry. And I look over to check on her and my then-7-month-old son, and say the five words I never thought I'd say as a parent, "Isabella, don't mop your brother!" He didn't mind, and she just wanted to make sure he was sparkly. So welcome to my world!

Monday, February 28, 2011

February Goals Update

March 1st-here come the goals!

Personal Goals:
1. Memorize the references to all those verses I know, but can never find. On track! See list below.
2. Read two books a month; one for fun and one for spiritual growth. On track! See list below.
3. Add 12 new recipes to my repertoire. On track! I just tried America's Test Kitchen's Chicken Canzanese this afternoon. Garlic, rosemary, prosciutto, white wine, braised chicken with a crispy skin. Need I say more?

Physical Goals:
1. Work out at least 20 minutes, three days a week. I'm fairly certain I'm gonna bail on this one.
2. Drink 24 ounces of water a day. On it.
3. Eat at least two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables a day. Need to keep on this one.

Marriage Goals:
1. Have Bible study time with Joshua daily. Back on it. We've purchased "Love That Lasts" by the Ricuccis to start going through together.
2. Have a monthly date night. This week's date night was a ride-along with Joshua. It was super fun and will NOT be my last.

Goals for Bella:
1. More time outside. We are supposed to go out every day but bundling them up and being cold is just not appealing right now. Hoping to do this more as the weather gets better.
2. Develop an "others first" mentality. I've seen great progress in this still. Her job is to bring in dishes from the dining room to the kitchen in hopes of fostering this even more.

Money Goals:
1. Use my credit card to only buy gas. Umm…I bought shoes, but I had the cash to back it up.
2. Pay off the Hyundai. We are $4,000 from reaching this goal. As soon as our tax refund money is deposited in our bank, this will be done!
3. Pay off at least one credit card. We paid $1000 towards our overall debt!

Relationship Goals:

1. Get together with each small group girl at least once a month or do a Girls' Night Out with all of them. We're having dinner with a couple from our group in two weeks.
2. Write a note of encouragement to friends and family once a month. (I know it's not very generous, and I plan to do more, but it will depend on who needs it!) I wrote four cards in February.

Reading list:

"Spiritual" list so far. I still need to add a few titles, but for now this is what I have:

  1. Don't Make Me Count to Three-Ginger Plowman. I love this book dearly. Such easy, good, biblical help in it.
  2. I Saw the Lord-Ann Graham Lotz Still plugging along-I'm just not motivated to finish!
  3. Knowing God-J.I. Packer
  4. The Pursuit of God-A.W. Tozer
  5. The Presence of God-Brother Lawrence
  6. God's Wisdom for a Mother's Heart: A Bible Study for Moms-Bobbie Wolgemuth
  7. Big Truths for Young Hearts-Bruce A. Ware
  8. A Woman After God's Own Heart-Elizabeth George (I've already read this, but it's just that good!)
  9. The Most Important Place on Earth: What a Christian Home Looks Like and How To Build One-Robert Wolgemuth. (I found this while searching on Amazon for #6. We did their Most Important Year books for premarital counseling and they were fabulous. I'm excited to read both of their books!
  10. 10 -12: Still to be determined. I hear Humility by CJ Mahaney is really good, and I'd like to get a Piper book on the list.

"Fun" list (new for February). See the first part of the list here:

4. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie-Alan Bradley. A "Flavia de Luce" mystery. Flavia is 11 but has a sharp wit and rather helpful knowledge of chemistry. Like a snarky Nancy Drew. I really liked this book.

5. Firefly Lane-Kristin Hannah. I'm still reading this, but I really like it. It follows two girls who are complete opposites, but become best of friends as they grow up

Verses to Memorize

I went back to really study John 15:5 one week, so I didn't learn a new one in its place. I did add a few verses though:

Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

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