You're probably wondering about the daughter Isabella loves to clean-she comes by it honestly. I am a shameless clean freak. One morning I was working away in the kitchen while she had the mop I'd left out overnight to dry. And I look over to check on her and my then-7-month-old son, and say the five words I never thought I'd say as a parent, "Isabella, don't mop your brother!" He didn't mind, and she just wanted to make sure he was sparkly. So welcome to my world!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I just have to read this one

If you haven't stumbled upon Ann Voskamp's amazing blog, A Holy Experience, then you are missing out. Ann writes beautifully and shares so many God moments from ordinary moments. Each year for the last three years (as long as I've been following her), she's posted this  brilliant post about viewing the Dead Sea scrolls. It sounds dry, but I can almost guarantee you'll finish the post with a tear in your eye and a catch in your throat.

She's also the force behind the book One Thousand Gifts that prompted me to begin my own list almost two years ago. I "fell off the wagon" for a few months, but I'm at over fourteen hundred little ways God has shown up mightily, or whispered His love, or sent me a smile through my children. If you haven't started your own list, I would highly, highly recommend it!

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